When Did
We See You?
This sermon, preached by Greg Ralston, came just after he spent time with his parents, helping
his mother move into a nursing home. It allowed him to remember the
commandments about honoring our parents, and how we treat each other is how we
want to be treated. His daughters tease him about, “Be nice to me. I will
choose your nursing home.”
In Matthew
25:31-36 Jesus talks about heaven and how The Son of Man, Jesus, will separate
those that really knew God, from those that just said they did. Some come feeling certain they will be
recognized right away. But God doesn’t know them. Others God know does know immediately. Why?
He tells them they gave Him water
when He was thirsty, food when He was hungry, clothes and a home when needed.
The others did not. Both were confused. Jesus said whenever you have done these
things for someone in need, you have done it for me.
This made me think what would we do
if we truly saw Jesus in the sick bed, on the street destitute, or in prison?
Maybe we would act quicker, think about it less, and reach out more.