Thursday, October 18, 2018



The young black Lab wiggled with excitement. His whole body wagged along with his tail. His master took him to the center of the dog show ring. He was told to sit. After several commands he obeyed. However, his front feet tapped the ground and he whimpered with enthusiasm. Then the master told the pup to stay, and he walked away. 

The master stopped and turned to the dog, who was beside himself with eagerness. You could see it took everything he had to stay in place. He quivered with tension. The master took a breath and before the sound of  "Come" could be heard, the dog took off at a run. Half-way to the dog's goal the master said, "Down." The pup dropped down but in his great hurry he slid across the ground landing only a few feet from his master. The audience laughed with empathy at the dog who just couldn't contain his love to serve.

This was the story that I remembered when Pastor Greg preached on taking time to rest. How there are times when we refuse to take the time to recoup and be in the moment, because we are so enthusiastic to serve. God whispers for us to rest, but we weigh ourselves down with unneeded guilt about what has to be accomplished. Even when sickness, or a disabling accident forces us to sit still we quiver with anxiety that things aren't happening the way we would do it.

God tells us to sit. Stay. Rest. Get alone with Him. Listen to His quiet voice. Allow a time of rest to revive you and draw you closer to Jesus. Regain strength for the road ahead.

Mathew 11:28
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

Monday, October 8, 2018



WISDOM. I know that sometimes we want others to listen to our wisdom. We want it so bad, and we're so sure we are right, we talk smack. We might even use ridicule or shout our wisdom at them to drive it into their heads. @#%#$%^# After a good argument on Facebook where we have called them liars and fakes, there's a thrill of satisfaction. 

At the close of Pastor Greg's sermon series, this is where Jonah found himself. Then when the Ninevites  repented in a big way, Jonah was maaaaad. "I told you so, God. I knew they would repent. They don't deserve your mercy. They should have been punished for being so dumb." But God had a better plan.

Here's a thought that came directly from a point from one of Pastor Todd's sermons:

True wisdom puts people first. In James it says if you are truly wise, show it by your life and your deeds done in humility that comes from wisdom. True wisdom is shown in love for others.


  • worth losing an argument for
  • worth letting a wrong person win.
  • worth yielding when you are right
  • worth making peace with

Wednesday, October 3, 2018



"Your doing it wrong!" "That's bad for you."  "No!" "Uh, uh." "Follow the rules."  "Don't do that."

Yeah, sure, that will change anyone's mind. 

When God first called Jonah, he told him to preach against Nineveh, When Jonah turned his running away into I will obey, God's command had been reworded. Now Jonah was to proclaim to Nineveh. 

Did God's change of wording have to do with His dealing with Jonah? I wonder? Perhaps, God knowing how Jonah would react to the redemption of the wicked, presented a harsher sermon to preach. 

When Jonah relented and followed his mission, God relented in how the news would be presented. God could have wanted Jonah to see the difference. 

There is a difference in how we present God to those who do not know Him yet. By charging ahead with condemnation over lifestyles and rules to follow we only show the law. What Jesus came to abolish. When we present God's love, compassion, and power to give hope we proclaim to others a lifeline. 

I'm not saying there is no sin to repent from. I'm not saying we can't guide new Christians in their journey closer to God. But when reaching out to people who are on the other side of a relationship with God, we can paint with colors of love, compassion, and a listening heart.