Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Safety. A place where nothing bad can happen. A sweet place with nothing bitter or sour. Can we stand without every falling? Taking away anything that could cause fear, so courage is never needed.

A part of who God is, is our protector. But does He do this by keeping us away from  anything that could hurt us?

In Greg Ralston's sermon he reminds us of what the Bible tells us about God as our protector. A protector made me think of a lion. In the lion's mane I've written quotes from the sermon. "God fights for us" "God fights when we align with Him." "God always has His people." Through scripture and personnel stories, Greg made his point. 

In my life God has stepped between myself and tragedy. True physical death could have been the result. But I have to remember that his protection is not about never facing giants. Sometimes His  protection is about helping us crawl through the mud, climb rugged towers, and fight in the storm.

It reminded me of the beaver's quote from Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. 

"Safe?" said Mr. Beaver. "Who said anything about safe? Of course he isn't safe. But he is good. He is king, I tell you." 

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