Tuesday, October 1, 2019


All You Need is Grace
An older pastor preached his sermon on how all you need is God's grace to be forgiven. You don't need to DO anything but believe. He worried this new generation of Christians had put too much emphasis on doing good deeds. That helping the poor and needy had taken the place of God's mercy. Could they have forgotten there is nothing anyone can do to earn God's grace?

The younger pastor wanted to make sure that people knew the importance of serving God. That good deeds come out of faith. They are the breath and the heart beat of what faith is. For without works faith is dead. How do you stay live without breath and a beating heart? But he warned not to now run around finding things to do to fix yourself. 

Look, I just gave water to a thirsty person!

No. To revive dead faith, go to Jesus. Get as close to Him as you can by prayer, listening, and study in His word.  

Because Jesus is the resurrection of the dead. 

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