Thursday, December 8, 2016



Directly after the elections Greg Ralston preached a sermon of unity. Lots of us split on who we believe should be president, but as Christians we should not be split on where we stand. Doesn't matter who won the election. We must have conversations not arguments.  

Here is where we can stand together. Just after the election there were 20 reported attacks on Trump supporters. There were 300 reported attacks on minorities. There is a problem here. It seems many people have decided that since Trump was elected it is now okay to openly ridicule, show hate, violence, or down right cruelty to immigrants, Muslims, ethnic minorities, and the marginalized. You yourselves may know this is wrong and not believe it is even happening. But I have friends that tell me this is not the case. This comes from those who are experiencing it first hand. 

Now is the time to stand with those God tells us to love the same way we love ourselves. Empathize, have compassion, hear with your heart. And love Jesus style!  

Leviticus 19:33-34 and 24:22 - "When the alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord you God."

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Living Water

The sermon began with the story of the woman at the well. The place where Jesus shows a Samaritan, a sin filled woman, that He is the Messiah. He offers living water, the water that never dries up. That keeps thirst away. 

During the sermon I envision a cup that is over flowing with a downpour from heaven. Or a fountain that squirts up in never ending glistening sprays. As I thought about times of prayer and worship these do a good job of describing this. 

But there have been deeper times. Prayers that began at the shores edge. The tide creeping up to the toes. The next wave washing over my feet, pulling me into the sand. I drop to my knees and allow the next crash to swirl up to my chest and the smell of freshness fills me. 

As God's spirit draws me close I dive into the ocean of His love. Here is the living water that takes over all my senses. I twirl, somersault, and float in the warmth of belonging, love, and joy. 

The living water that never runs out. The  sea that always satisfies. Don't take a sip. Don't wet the toes and walk away. Give in to the waters flow completely, effortlessly, with all your body, mind, and soul. 

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Hearts of Stone

Hearts of Stone
A heart so calcified and covered by stone-like barnacles that even the most raging sins or need for mercy roll off like ice on a hot sidewalk. How did it get this way? Every time we don't take on empathy for malicious wrongs, or we let a small sin slip by another scale covers our beating hearts.

"The hardening of a tender heart almost always starts with justifiable action." This statement by Priscilla Shirer caught my eye this week.  Especially with all that has been going on in our nation. Instead of listening to the cries of injustice, some try to minimize the plight. To excuse persecution and debate that it was deserved or somehow a product of their own doing, only disguises the sin.  It allows us to brick up our empathy with self-righteous. 

We pick and choose which sins we cannot tolerate. A man takes up an rapid fire rifle and doesn't see the LGBTQ people as humans. He sees targets. The rest of us cry. We pray. But we will not sell them a cake. Because we don't want to be complicit in their sin. What if they thought we thought what they did was Ok?  And yet other sins we are not so judgmental about. For instance the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was "She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned, they did not help the poor and needy."  Perhaps these don't deserve a cake as well.

Take a minute to do some introspection. Can you see them? The sins you hide deep in the darkness and gloss over their importance? I can of mine. Some people say hate the sin, not the sinner. But I say hate your own sin, and love others.

Oh, that we all would have bleeding hearts, like the pictures of Jesus with a heart drawn on His chest dripping with mercy and love. This is where the  term "bleeding heart" came from. Now it is used as a derogatory term. But we used to be known for being bleeding heart Christians.                                                                         

Oh, Holy Spirit, we ask that you would crack open this shell of rock. Chip away the stone cold covering. Make our hearts so tender that even a small turn from your love will burn like acid on the soul. Give us bleeding hearts again. Help us to have empathy, to see injustice, and listen with mercy.                                                                            

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Fabric of Our Lives

Fabric of our Lives
Our lives may have episodes that are woven with patterns of grief, drudgery, and tears. Times when others may want you to sing the happy songs, but you can't. Like when Israel was enslaved in Babylon. Their captors  wanted to hear them sing their beautiful songs of old. But they answered how can we sing in a foreign land?

Maybe the design that runs through your life is hard and sharp, heavy and monotonous. But interspersed  in the cloth God can break through the fabric and punch holes of joy, hope, and new songs to sing.  He can restore our strength and encourage us through the hard times. He is able to bring peace in the midst of conflict, and most of all hope for better times to come. 

For those who weep through the night, joy comes in the morning!

Thursday, June 9, 2016


This last spring Pastor Greg talked about creation by bringing out two different types. The one where God made the world, and in the way He recreates our lives when we come to Him. I illustrated this by putting in nature and expressing all the exquisite treasures He designed for us. The path winding through the sketch represents our life path and how he recreates our life into His plan. 

Greg quoted lines from two different songs to represent each type of creating that God does.

"You make beautiful things out of dust - US!" 

"You made something beautiful of my life!"



A few weeks ago Todd Spieker preached a sermon for his confirmation class. The one he taught, not the one he graduated from. They were celebrating having finished the course. Todd went back to his childhood and brought out a memory that those from Colorado Springs can relate to. It is that when you hear the sound of jets overhead and the Thunderbirds are literally thundering in the sky that summer is at hand. The cadets at the Air Force Academy are graduating. 

Then he told them something I hadn't even known about. That the night before their graduation the cadets received their commissions. Their new title and the places they will serve. Because, unlike other schools and colleges, this is not an ending, but a beginning. They are not stopping and putting away books and lessons to seek out a new course. They will be just beginning to use all they had learned.

Todd's confirmed students need to see this as their beginning. Not a time to quit reading their Bibles, going to church, or to stop stretching their faith, but now is the time to BEGIN!

Keep going, Don't stop, start, never finish, go, go , GO!

Be strong and courageous.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Light by Which I See

The Light by which I See

The Bible is like a flashlight. A lamp. It guides my steps. Sometimes the light is only for one step at a time. I am absolutely gobsmacked at how often the words and phrases fit my needs. Not just rules, but encouragement, hope, how to deal with the future and the world around me. When I can put out my anxious fears like ice on a matchstick, why wouldn't I hold this book close?

The Bible tells the story of the gospel of Jesus Christ (the good news.) Throughout Old and New Testaments His death, resurrection, and fulfillment of the covenant is embedded through prophesy and witnesses from that day and time. 

But it also tells us how God interacts with man, through his encounters with Noah, Moses, Abraham, and David.  How He longs to be an active player in our lives. His message is clear. Don't be afraid, have hope, serve with passion, and be ready to receive His extravagant love.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Mission Statement
Did you ever think Jesus had a mission statement? We can tell what it might have been by the way He lived his time on earth. Always, compassionate. Always teaching, healing, loving. 

What is your mission statement? Do well in business? Make good money? Be a star? Write a great book? 

The Bible says follow the truth. What is the truth? To do what you saw Jesus do? Jesus did what He saw His Father do. We should be doing what Jesus did. Beyond using our talents, and far past giving money for good works, and light years ahead of following rules, we need to show justice, compassion, mercy, and love. 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Church is not a Pew

Church is not a Pew

When you hear the word church, what do you think of? A small white building with a steeple? Or a large stained glass cathedral? Maybe a sanctuary filled with people singing Amazing Grace, or a man up front preaching on verses. Quiet men and women with bowed heads sitting in pews. 

That seems to be what we see on television. But that's just the surface. Take my little church for example. We're a family. We work hard together, share, eat, and play together. Currently we are helping a member to buy life or death medicine. We have a standing unofficial group of Living Hope movers. That includes anyone with mobility, time, and desire to help friends move in or out of the their abode. We give car service to those needing rides to doctor appointments. Food for when people are laid up, or a new born in the home. We also reach out to the neighborhood and across the world.

If you've never realized churches can be a body, a community, an organism rather then a big organization, I'm here to tell you they can. Not perfect. Not without fault, but a community of people that are striving to live like Jesus, love like Jesus. We want to "be" the church, not once a week pew warmers. 

And with our God's help, we will!  

Saturday, January 30, 2016


Ever wondered about this word? Atonement? What it really means for us? Well, in my Sermon Sketch I used the word to visually show how through the sacrifice of Jesus our sin is washed away. But below is a terrific video from The Bible Project that does an even better job of explaining. Please take a look. 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Dating your Church

Dating your Church
Are you dating your church? Do you come expecting to have all your needs met while you sleep in the pew? Or maybe you think you will be taken to great heights of spiritual triumph, and are disappointed when nothing happens. 

This sermon was on discipleship. Something that as Christians we are responsible to be doing. But it made me think of people who attend a church wanting to have every need met. Expecting to be fed but not bothering to pick up a spoon themselves. Then they blame the pastor, or the leaders if the food is not tasty enough.

And in like a dating relationship if your date chews his meat funny, or doesn't pay enough attention to you, or says something in an unkind way, what do we do? We break up with them.We look for another church. 

The problems might be that the music doesn't suit you. Or the pastor said something to hurt your feelings. Maybe you don't like the way the finances are being run. Did your child have a problem fitting in with the Sunday School program one year? I've got an idea, let's teach them to simply find another church if this one is not perfect enough. 

Maybe it's time to be in a committed relationship with your church and stop dating it. There comes a time when you need to take some responsibility for your own Christian walk. The church isn't there to date you. It is not there to meet all your spiritual needs. No, really it isn't. You are expected to become a disciple of Jesus. Work together with your church family to give each other accountability, encouragement, and love. 

How often do you disown your mother, uncle, or grandpa when you disagree with them. How often do you disown you spouse? In a committed relationship you fight to be there. You forgive. Be accountable for your own growth. You overlook wrongs. 

Yes, I've disagreed with things in my church. I've been hurt at times. In one case, in a church from long ago, a child died because the leaders wouldn't listen to me.

But I stayed, and we worked it out.

Take a look at my drawing to see ways to become a  working disciple. Being hospitable, reaching others, fellowshiping, pulling people up when they fall, studying the Bible.  

And what if our churches stopped being revolving doors? Don't you wonder how much more could be done for the kingdom? I do.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Church is...

The Church is...
If you are on the outside looking into the church you may see it as just another big organization. One making rules for it's members and requiring them to all walk in lock step. But from inside many churches, including mine, you find more of a family unit. 

In a recent sermon series Pastor Greg pointed out how churches need to be in order to truly serve God and love others. As you can see in my drawing we are in a circle praying together. The words and scriptures around speak of working together, praying, loving and listening. But I made sure to have someone reaching out to others to come join us. 

Not perfect people mind you. We are learning all the time ways to be a better family.  So, thanks to the people in my church who are my moms, dads, cousins, aunts. and uncles. They have stepped up beside me to encourage, serve and pray with me. 

I love you all! 

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Fisher's of men

Fishers of Men
I love this story. Where Jesus answers the fisherman's needs, then calls them to leave it all behind. After fishing all night and catching nothing, these men were tired and fed up. Jesus came and told them to cast the nets into the water. Obeying Jesus, they cast the net and there were so many fish they could barley get them in the boat. Then what does our Lord ask?

"Okay, now that you've seen what I can do, leave it all and follow me to become fisher of men."

They dropped their nets, left the valuable fish that was caught, and went off with Jesus. That could have been the bigger miracle. So, God wants us to "catch" people. To bring them into His boat. What nets should we use? Debating about presidents? Refusing help to anyone that disagrees with us? Standing up for our rights, at the destruction of others? Maybe parsing words about which lives matter. Maybe making sure first they understand what side of the political isle to be on.

This is what I hope my net is made of: love, no judging, willing to listen, seeing potential, starting small but starting, priority is the person, bring comfort, shine the light that the darkness cannot overcome. 

Friday, January 8, 2016

Meet Me at the Well

Women at the Well
"How can you a Jewish man speak to me, a Samaritan woman?" When Jesus asked for a drink from this woman she was floored. Not only did men not chat with strange woman, but never a Jew to a Samaritan. In particular this woman who had a hard time getting friends for her children among her own people. The so called good and righteous ones had cloistered themselves into a click that she could never have broken into. Yet she was the one most in need of love.

Our church and christian clicks are still strong to this day. We huddle together in Bible Studies, and church pews. Events that use to be for anyone often have the added "Christian" label slapped to it. After all we want our children to have good influences, right? 

We have to step away from the comfort of what we know, step out of our holy huddles, and spend some time at the water well. Make friends, share your story, love, listen and care the way Jesus did..