Monday, September 10, 2018


God is the Trinity
3=1? This is mind bending and difficult to understand. Finishing up on The Attributes of God series, Pastor Greg tackled the trinity.

The part of the sermon that struck me the most was that Jesus is the image of the invisible God. For some reason this hit me in a new way. It made so much sense in terms of understanding the trinity. In my sketch I tried to show Jesus coming out of the invisible God. The Holy Spirit, and God the Father billow behind Him as He steps out for us to see Him. 

Quotes from the Bible reveal Jesus has no beginning. He is the Word that was God and with God. All things were created by Him. 

Greg then talked about the old example about water. It can be ice, steam, and liquid. Three in one.

This gives us a bit of understanding but to me it does not reveal the full explanation. Because ice, steam, and liquid do not exist all at the same time. This is where God differs. It is as if you drew three circles but not beside each other, or even intertwined with one another. It would be more like if after you drew the first circle, you place your pencil right on top of the line you had just drawn. The molecules actually mingle together. The third line is drawn on top of the other two. All untied as one, but three circles at the same time. 

Below is the part of the picture that shows this for me. It is the names of God one on top of the other intertwined, three in one.

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